
Individual results will vary. Testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. Testimonials are not meant to portray a typical customer experience, and is not intended to guarantee you will experience the same or similar results. Your results will vary based on how long and how closely you follow the information presented along with other individual and biological factors. Unfortunately most people do not do anything with the fitness products they buy leaving them with a typical result of zero. One of the biggest factors will be your ability to follow through. Your effort will heavily determine your results. In addition, you assume certain risks inherent with exercise programs. You should not begin an exercise program if you have a physical condition that makes exercise dangerous. In addition, Yoga Burn may suggest you follow an eating plan that at times may restrict the amount of calories you consume. You should not begin this type of eating plan if you have physical or psychological issues which makes calorie restriction dangerous. Yoga Burn is an online yoga and fitness educational service that provides general information. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. It's always advised that you consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.